Invasive honeysuckle causes all kinds of headaches. 

Problems with invasive honeysuckle

Invasive honeysuckle crowds out native plants, suffocating the forest floor, blocking sightlines, and taking up usable space.

It crowds woodland spaces—blocking paths, shielding views, and making it harder for kids to play and adults to use their backyards. 

It chokes out native plants, harming ecological functions and depriving pollinators of appropriate nutrients and habitat.

It degrades our waterways via increased erosion and sedimentation. And when bush honeysuckle leaves decompose in water, they can harm water quality and aquatic life.

It looks and feels cluttered and uninviting.  

Removing honeysuckle lets you reclaim your yard. 

Benefits of honeysuckle removal

With honeysuckle removed, the space looks prettier and feels calmer and more inviting. Sunlight reaches the forest floor, and native plants have room to thrive.

Sightlines open up, pathways appear, and your yard or woods will feel more spacious. This creates a calming and functional area. 

Native plants can grow in the spaces left behind by honeysuckle. This supports vital pollinators and wildlife, improves the health of your back woods, and stabilizes soil, decreasing erosion issues. It also contributes to forest restoration. 

With honeysuckle gone, you can redesign the landscape in ways that bring beauty, serenity, and ecological value to your outdoor space


We offer several honeysuckle removal and replacement packages to suit your needs. Learn more below, or book a call to chat with one of our team members.

Honeysuckle Removal Packages

You can remove honeysuckle at any time of year, but we’re especially keen on winter removal

Honeysuckle are dormant in the winter, so they won’t try to produce new growth right after cut-back. This effectively weakens the plant. And because the plants have dropped their leaves, we’re able to work as efficiently as possible. 

No matter when you elect to remove honeysuckle from your yard or back woods, we offer several packages to handle the dirty work. Our experienced team uses a combination of mechanical methods and all-organic herbicides to ensure the removal process is both effective and safe for people, pets, and wildlife

*Note: The estimates below reflect ballpark pricing only based on a ¼ acre lot. Scale and density may change pricing. 

Stop the Spread

We’ll dig out new honeysuckle plants, cut back existing growth, and spot-treat with an OMRI-approved organic herbicide to contain this invasive plant.

You choose the disposal method—we can chop and drop, chip the woody material on site, or haul it all away.

Investment: Approx. $800 - $1,500

Remove and Return

We’ll remove all existing honeysuckle, digging up plants as able and cutting any remaining plants back to the ground, then spot-treating them with an OMRI-approved organic herbicide.

We’ll dispose of the plants via the method of your choice: We can chop and drop, chip the woody material on site, or haul it all away.

Then, we’ll return 3 to 4 months later to address any new growth and stop it in its tracks. We’ll return again at the 1-year mark to ensure this tenacious invasive has been suppressed.

Investment: Approx. $2,000 - $3,000

Remove and Replace

The vital next step after removing honeysuckle is to install native plants. Quickly establishing natives helps them compete with the potential arrival of more honeysuckle or another invasive. It’s also the fastest way to beautify your space.

To start off, we’ll remove all existing honeysuckle through a combination of mechanical methods and spot-treating with OMRI-approved organic herbicide. You choose the disposal method: We can chop and stack the plant material on-site, chip it up, or haul it away.

Then, we focus on restoring your outdoor space. We’ll evaluate the site, determine what to plant after removing honeysuckle, and share native plant pattern sketches so you’re involved in the design process.

Next, we’ll install the native plants and establish your new landscape for long-term success and enjoyment.

Finally, we’ll return two times. We’ll come back 3 to 4 months after the initial honeysuckle removal date to address any new growth. We’ll return again 1 year out to make sure the honeysuckle has been suppressed.

Investment: Approx. $5,000 - $10,000